Monday, 23 September 2013

Final long ride before Kielder

I know whoever is reading this pretty much has no interest in my cycling and running etc but here I go again...

Today was pretty much my last 'long' bike ride before killer Kielder, so after a bit of planing and investigation via Google maps, I decided on a route taking me from North Shields to South Shields to Newcastle and back home.
I set off from home in glorious sunshine and headed through Royal Quays and North Shields to the Ferry.

I had a rough idea which way to head...West. As long as I keep the River in view I shouldn't go too far wrong.

I reckon I must have been on the roads for 4-5 mile before picking up the cyclepath/wagonways onwards to Newcastle.

Looking towards South Shields
I've no idea why I haven't done this before. It was stunning. The route meanders along the river throwing enough little ups and downs to get the heart pumping but also lets you relax on the down hills to soak up the environment.

I've been through Hebburn before and have never ever thought; "hmmmm, what a lovely place this is" Mainly because it's a bit of a dump but if you search out Hebburn Riverside you'll love it as the following photo will explain...

Hebburn Riverside

I crossed the Tyne on the Millenium Bridge and grabbed a cuppa from one of the many coffee shops along the Quayside and then continued on home keeping to the Hadrian Cycle path which meant I didn't have to go anywhere near a road until half a mile from home.

I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. It's a great way to unwind and switch off to normal stresses and strains of life and just cycle for the pure enjoyment; exploring somewhere different and enjoying life.

Will todays bike ride improve my chances of finishing Kielder? No Idea is the answer.
I did 19.27 miles average speed 11.8mph. The bike bit of Kielder is 16-ish miles but is a heck of a lot hillier than today plus I will have just ran 11k, which lets be honest, will make a huge difference!

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